Pictures that Say a Thousand Words?
Friday, June 03, 2005
Listening with ..... fear...

Listening with ..... fear..., originally uploaded by crassus08.

So many engrossed in the ghost stories... haha until forget all about the time... but then it was running late... so we all had to go...

A great evening! But amidst the fun... dun remember to make use of the hols to study for ur Os! very very impt... must repeat so many times that you guys realise the importance ya?


Kissing?, originally uploaded by crassus08.

Haha looks like a typical wedding dinner scene isn't it? LOL

anyway din get the chance to take pictures of the food. Things such as Yoshi's sandwiches disappeared within seconds...

Have to thank Dwayne's mum for marinating the chicken wings...

And many others who helped one way or another...

The bday cake was a very sweet thing to do... thanks ya...

Sneaking from behind

Sneaking from behind, originally uploaded by crassus08.

Tried to catch people in the camera but so many ran away from the lens... oh well... make do bah...

the bday boi! haha

the bday boi! haha, originally uploaded by crassus08.

A little but nice bbq organized by my beloved 4 Charles.. though not all was here due to one thing or another, we are all still very much a class!

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